
exhibition -finding home

先週、知人のk君のphoto exhibitionに行ってきました。オシャレなオーガニックカフェを利用しての展示でしたが、そこまで広くない店内がお洒落系の人々でごった返しておりました。

Last week, I went to my friend "K"'s photo exhibition held in a organic cafe .
Because there were a lot of lot of people inside of cafe, I could barely move ...

I finally look the pictures right before the cafe was closed.
All photos showed his genuine feeling toward his models like his old works, but I realized location where he shot were all in Tokyo. The part was very fresh to me. but I felt that Tokyo matched his project "finding home" more properly since the models and himself all looked that they tried to find home.

And, I really respect his energy and passion that he had put to this project although he had a full time job in daytime.

thank him to give me some motivation !

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