iPod nano買いました。色は悩んだけどappleストア限定の黄色。iPodは白!ってきめてたんだけどそもそもnanoには白ないし、黒だと他の小物とかぶりすぎるのでこの色にしました。
これで愛用のiPod photoともお別れです。。(psp買った時も同じこと書いたけど。。)
I finally got a G5 iPod nano. The yellow one which we can purchase only in apple store. I have always determined that iPod should be White, but there is no white version available for G5 iPod nano. I like this yellow one tough.
It is really time to say goodbye to iPod photo this time. Of course I remember I already wrote some emotional comments to iPod photo when I bought PSP last year.
ということでひつこくiPod photoを使っていたのですが。。今度こそ本当のお別れ。。
PSP is the greatest gadgets to play game and watch videos, but not for music player.
It takes a while to show up menu after turning it on, and in my bag, the LR buttons accidently are pushed and it plays same songs over and over agian.
so I still have used this lovely old iPod photo..But now it is the moment to say goodbye.
This iPod nano is the coolest one ever. Very light and vivid color monitor. I can also listen to radio and use as a pedometer. it perfectly fits my life style. (I recent start jogging...)
こちらはこれで引退となるiPod photo.大丈夫。。捨てたりしないよ。。
This is the retiring iPod photo. don't worry. I will always keep this too.
This item reminded of days which I bought this..about 5 years ago.
We all were so excited that iPod had a color monitor.
I was a still student, so iPod was a luxury and buying this was needed a biggest decision.
in NY at that time, people tried to attack people who listened music with iPod to steal , so some news suggested us not to use that White earphone just in case. what a great advice..
月日がたつと 箱もこんなにコンパクトに。
Look the difference of the size of the boxes.
This is the old apple coupon I happened to find. Very simple, we even notice this is coupon.. but I guess this simplicity is what is apple all about.
Search Amazon.com for apple iPod nano
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