Tomorrow is finally the day! the marathon ! I could not practice with my coworkers after all..but I DID a secret training on my own...hehehe..
Ekiden Carnival !!
このかわいいTシャツ、表もおんなじロゴ+会社名で、ゼッケンをつけても隠れないデザインになってます。 なんとレンタル制。 終わったら会社に返却です。よかった。。一回目に着る人になれて。。
I am so happy that I got this cute T shirts with my company logo and name.
The front design is almost same, so we can see these logo and name when even we put our numbers on. The company rented this shirts for Christ's sake, so we have to return this..
I am also so happy that this shirts is bland new and I am a first person to wear it.
Tomorrow, I have to get up at 5:30. That is the biggest problem..
got to bed soon...
Search for jogging