
after the rain


new vaio pic

Since I got the new vaio last week, I have tried to make comfortable environment in this.....

色はチタングレー。ホントはblackがよかったけどtype fにはなぜかblackがない。brownかwhiteかこの色のみなのです。渋い色だったのでこれにしてみました。でも結果的にかなり気に入ってます。中を開いたときのボードの湾曲とかがかっこいいのです。

I chose titan gray from the choice of three colors , brown, white, and this. I really am into the beautiful curvy design inside of Vaio. really cool.

I put it on my desk next to my Macs. seems lovely.

いろいろあったWindows Meをつんでおります。今までありがとう。無事リサイクルへと出しました。

This is Vaio which I bought 10 years ago.. the color was happened to be similar one.
it contains OS Windows ME, which we can talk so many THINGS about this..
I sent it to the recycle shop finally. Thank you previous Vaio.


my owner made pc

I finally bought a new pc....
Vaio owner made pc, which has 8GB memory and 9900 core2 Duo processor!!
cant wait coming in 16th....

I am so stoked.. really... since my lovely G5 started making weird noise , and my another lovely one, powerbook is getting old.

I will plan to have adobe web premium in this machine!!!!


モノはVaio Type F owner made. memory は8Gb, プロセッサーは9900のものを積んでみました。今有るノートの中でこのスペックは最強の部類になりそうです。


これにadobe suit入れる予定です。ドキドキ


impeccable work - post-it stop motion

Recent hit.
Here is a behind the scene movie.